just now the internet crashed and my post unsaved post was gone. TT
thank you, mummy,
for fixing it. :D
i have nothing to blog about so i shall do a quiz from justi's blog.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, name and/or objects but nothing made up. Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial. You can't use your name for the girl/boy question. Have fun!
My name is: cheryl.
Boy's name: christopher.
Girl's name: christina. (my mum. :D)
Occpuation: cook. o.o;
Colour: charcoal.
Something you wear: cap.
Beverage: carrot juice. (x.x eew.)
Place: cameron highlands.
Something found in the bathroom: cleanser (face).
Reason for being late: "couldn't make it on time cause the damn car broke down. [="
Something you shout: "cb." (XD actually i seldom /shout/ that, i just kinda whisper to myself... 0.o)
Font: century gothic.
Show: chop socky chooks.
Song Title: camisado.
Country: china.
I pass this quiz onto you dear reader, do if you want to. (:

they forced me down. TT