ehhh... -.-'

why my pic lidat... D;

siryeo just now got a chiobu right infront of him to stare X:,
don't want,
must go stare at 2 other ugly girls beside us. -.-'

emo freak. d;

the new cl room. =D

lesley and di:
i realised that there's too many of your pics to upload. -.-'
as you know, there are like, 40 plus.
bluetooth it from my phone. (:
woke up at 7 plus to bath.
went for 945 mass.
then went lan.
then pei kopi go library...
that stup annoying woman keep pulling my extension luh! -.-'
lols, then went for cat class.
it was super the boring. /:
i don't like aunty audrey. X:
i want lucas to teach leh... ;_;
he teach so fun. (:
or addison will be better. =D
i bet even the who can even make lessons more interesting. /;
after that rushed to kfc to eat my cheesy melts. (:
then went back for tuition.
at the last part,
siryip went abit -spins hand around head- -.-'
buden it was fun. (:
he's so retarded. XD
and he read all the messages that baby sent. x.x
just now played hotel626. /:
some parts fun,
some parts boring.
so hard to play sia! D;
ohoh, at lan,
i tried playing left4dead.
aaron taught me the control keys. X;
at first i presspresspress nothing happen. -.-'
lols, it's damn boring sia!
also nothing to shoot. /:
it's something like cs luh.
-.-' guys just like to play these kinda weirdweird games.
buden bibi teaching me how to play dota next time. (:
btw, here are some photos. =D