stars that shine; Friday, January 9, 2009
'Panic! At The Disco - Camisado' Lyrics -7:34 PM
The I.V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events
This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal
The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant.
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal
Just sit back, just sit back
Just sit back and relax
Just sit back, just sit back
Just sit back and relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back
You're a regular decorated emergency
You're a regular decorated emergency
This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant.
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal
The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where
The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in
It's not so pleasant.
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back
Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back, bababada
You can take the kid out of the fight
You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake
You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again
You're a regular decorated emergency
The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake
You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame
The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Sit back, relax
Sit back, relapse again
Can't take the kid from the fight
Take the fight from the kid
Just sit back, just sit back
Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse
Sit back, sit back, bababada
You can take the kid out of the fight
The I.V. and your hospital bed
This was no accident
This was a therapeutic chain of events
-3:45 PM
{ this is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
this is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
it's not so pleasant and it's not so conventional
it's sure as hell ain't normal, but we deal, we deal
the anesthetic never set in and i'm wondering where
the apathy and urgency is that i thought i phoned in
it's not so pleasant and it's not so conventional
it's sure as hell ain't normal, but we deal, we deal
can't take the kid from the fight,
take the fight from the kid
just sit back, relax, sit back, relapse again
can't take the kid from the fight
take the fight from the kid
just sit back, just sit back
sit back, sit back, relax, relapse
sit back, sit back, ba, ba, ba, da
you can't take the kid out of the fight
you're a regular decorated emergency
the bruises and contusions will remind me
what you did when you wake up
you've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame
camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again }
- Panic! At The Disco - Camisado
just came back from school. :D
sir yip coming later... TT
just now went lunch with candice and cherie at pizza hut.
song bo. XD
okies, this was what i wrote/draw on my maths notes yeserday. :P
1. the most handsome maths teacher in the universe. MR NG.
2. I ♥ MR NG.
10 REASONS WHY I LOVE MR NG! (new and improved)
1. he's freakin' hot.
2. his jokes are so funny i can laugh my head off!
3. he's smart like a brain.
4. he dresses well. :D
5. has a super cute hairstyle.
6. damn fit.
7. has a cool watch.
8. VERY the tall.
9. has a sexy voice.
10. did i mention, HAWTTT!? XD
(11. EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM TURNS ME ON. ;P)so yeh, that's it. :D
and here are some overdued pics that i haven't bothered to edit...

lols, now talking to kopi on phone.
can't even concentrate properly on what she's saying.
and she's like, laughing at her own jokes. :X
XD ohyeah, then just now sir yip say that sniffing glue can make you stupid.
quite cool i guess. x.x
i told lecky that,
that then he say yeah, later you go to a worse class than colette.
=.=; wow, what an encouragement.
:/ tomorrow going hougang become karanguni. @.@
must wake up like, at 455 cause meeting baobei at... 6. 0.x
that's all le bah.
sayanora peeps. :D
stars that shine; Thursday, January 8, 2009
-3:34 PM
{ you don't know me,
don't ignore me,
you don't want me there you just shut me out. }
- avril lavigne - unwanted
kays, i'm fine. =.=;
at least i'm trying to.
damn, di just now went to view my blog without even saving my previous post!
and she's smuggling away beside me. :/
and all quotes are by di.
"SORRY LUH." -quoted di.
so sian.
zzz, i donno what to write...
i know what to write! :D
lols, next time i'll scan what i drew on my maths notes then post here. :D
"It looks like her grandma, trust me, okay maybe her grandma looks hotter."
err, that's why got such a hot granddaughter mah!
=.=; whatever lah.
at least i'm hotter than... err...
and basically everyone who went for the christmas party. :D
shoo, yeh.
lecky just messaged me saying he's in tp...
waitwaitwait, for what? 0.o
wth is he doing in tp?
kay, i don't care. :D
back to my mr ng. :P
aiyoh, next time then i post the 2(5)(11) reasons of why i love mr ng. :D
kies, gtg.
stars that shine; Wednesday, January 7, 2009
-7:46 PM
{ and if you have to leave,
i wish that you would just leave.
cause your presence still lingers here,
and it won't leave me alone.
these wounds won't seem to heal,
this pain is just too real,
there's just too much that time cannot erase. }
- evanescence - my immortal.
lols, i think the vids list right...
zzz, i won't be continuing it anymore. :X
:/ it's not like anyone actually cares luhs, so yeh. :D
and yes, i added quotes to all my posts.
shoo bored.
=.=; sweetheart influence me one lah.
i just realised my library books haven't returned yet.
o.o; hair care lah. :P
hmm, i'm still thinking about him...
quite alot. :/
i don't know why.
i can't seem to accept the fact that he's gone and never coming back...
i'm not usually lidat.
normally i'll just emo and cry for a few weeks,
and tadahhh!
i'm back to my old self and totally over that person.
=.=; now, this is a special case...
it doesn't feel like it's
totally over.
even though, hell, it sure is. :(
i kinda know that, deep down in the bikini bottom of my heart,
i'm clinging onto something that's gonna make me fall.
prolly that's why i'm feeling like this.
i'm silently hoping that,
maybe just
i'll receive a message from him saying
baby, can we patch back?"
... sorry, i dream too much.
it's kinda obvious he don't have feelings for me anymore.
he prolly said that he has feelings for another girl and not ready for a relationship as an excuse,
to get me off his back.
i'll never know.
i was wondering what he was prolly doing...
maybe he was having lotsa fun with his friends,
or new girlfriend,
or something.
without me.
and i still remember clearly,
the last sentence of his last message to me was,
please be happy without me."
to hell with that!
before he appeared,
i was already emoing bout some stuff.
but he was the one who made me happy.
and freak, he just has to make those godamn promises that he broke in the end!
he says that those promises seems dependable at the beginning,
now, not so sure.
wth lah,
i already told him in the beginning,
please don't break your promises.
and he said he's gonna make somemore!
i'm kinda already very sensitive bout promises.
and now he just made it worse.
i told him, he has no idea how much he's hurt me.
he said, he does, he's once went through it and know how the pain feels like.
sure, he knows how it feels like.
he don't care,
he don't give a damn how i feel,
cos he no longer loves me and i'm not him.
feel so much better after letting out everything. :)
stars that shine; Tuesday, January 6, 2009
-5:37 PM
{ you weren't there,
you never were,
you want it all,
but that's not fair,
i gave you life,
i gave my all,
you weren't there,
you let me fall. }
- p!nk - so what
boo! :D
now at tpy library with baobei.
just now got cl meeting...
btw, all quotes are made by cherie. =.=;
"and i made her wait for two hours,"
:/ whatever lah.
so bored...
=.=; okies, lets recap! :D
yesterday, went to meet sweetheart.
ate bk, he watch me eat...
:/ then make me feel so fat. :3
after that went sky to slack.
i like his hair. ;)
and looks like bronze... @.@
lols, _______ ____ not fun one lorh. =.=;
" i think the underlined words are fucking fuck;P "
and no, it's not.
hahahs, kays.
i was using normal ___,
" she was using normal condom? :O ohmy. "
freak hell, no.
kay, buden he say _____ ____ _____ nicer.
" continue dun stop nicer? ehs, you still virgin not uhs baobei? "
reuben said must use ______ ______...
so he bought the wrong one. :/
omg, i can so imagine what all of you are thinking. =.=;
" yoh! are you thinking wad im thinking? :O funfunfunn. she said the strawberry one"
" she's not, if she's i chop! "
... whatever.
so it didn't really work.
" see? pheew, no need chop, so think wad youre thinking now? :D "
zzz, i'm not gonna comment what she comment anymore. :/
" she's guilty, c'mon, she ______ ____ before! "
D: so boring lahs.
:/ i'm not gonnna try it anymore i think.
no fun one. @.@
ending note:
seriously, it's not what you're are thinking.
i'll stay virgin till my wedding night. :D
" she's fucking straight after wedding,video! --, you believe her? dun be dumb,
andand hello baby! (: "
... i've no comments.
=.=; hell man.
and hello, jerald.
cherie insisted me on saying that. :/
stars that shine; Sunday, January 4, 2009
quiz from justi :D -6:15 PM
{ how did we get here?
when i used to know you so well.
how did we get here?
i think i know.
the truth is hiding in your eyes,
and it's hanging on your tongue.
just boiling in my blood,
but you think that I can't see.
on my own.
i'm screaming, "i love you so."
on my own.
my thoughts you can't decode. }
- paramore - decode
` what have you been doing recently?- 0.o err, emoing?
` do you ever turn your cellphone off?
- not at all unless it off itself. =.=;
` what's happening at 10 am today?- at mass with kopi and her family.
` when did you last cry?
- last night. :/
` believe in fate/destiny?
- kinda...
` what do you want in your life right now?- too many to list.
` do you carry an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood?- yep, put up my hood. :D
` whats your fav thing to have on your bed?
- my ahma make for me de booster. :P
` what bottom are you wearing now?- black curved-up fbts.
` what's does your nicest text in your inbox says?- "Ok la. Talk to you tomorrow luh. Giv me a morning msg kay? love u lots sweetie!" -from sweetheart. (mind you, he's not my boyfriend. only gan sweetheart. :D)
` do you tend to make a relationship complicated?- hard to tell, mostly yes. o.o;
` are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- 0.o; no?
` what was the last movie you caught?- twilight. =.=; (in theatres), ben 10: secret of the omnitrix (on tv :D)
` what are you proud of?- my school. -hears people puking- =.=;
` what does the oldest text in your inbox say?- "No no.. Its nvm.. I can accompany uu till uu sleep.. Haha.. Juz dun feel sad kae? .." -from alek.
` what was the last song you sang out loud?- avril lavigne - my happy ending (was emoing with kopi at sky. :P)
` do you have any nicknames?- bobo (by zy), pipi (by arkaliao sis and pineapple family), popo (by momo), popiah (by kopi and pizza), barbie (by ahyi). the rest is all gan names. :D
` wat does your last received text says?
- "What time do you usually wake up in the morning on weekdays?" -from momo.
` what time did you go to bed last night?
` are you currently happy?
- not at all.
` who gives the best advice?- God. =.=;
` do you eat whipped cream out of the can?0.o eew? wtf, no?
` who did you talk on the phone with last night?
- elaine and kopi.
` is anything bugging you right now?
- something i don't know is bugging me, and not knowing what is bugging me, bugs me more. =.=;
` who/what was the last person/thing to make you laugh?- the answer above.
` do you wear toe socks?- no... i wear normal socks... like what normal people do... 0.o
` who was the last person you missed a call from?- ahma.
` have you gotten heartbroken?- duhhh, like so many times. :/
` what annoys you most in a person?- when they don't keep their godamn promises.
` do you have a crush on anyone?
- does crushing on your ex count? :(
` have you ever done cocaine?- 0.o wth is that? drugs? no.
` what is the color of your room?- white... zzz.
would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
- no, it's a one-way ticket to the unending burning fires of hell.
` do you believe in the saying: talk is cheap?
- depends, mostly yes.
` who was the last person who lay on your bed?- like you said, it's MY bed. who else.
` who was the last person who hugged you?
- kopi, just now during peace. :D
` did anyone see the person you last kissed?- nikki, i think... o.o
` do you have a life?
- well, i wish i didn't.
` have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't die?
- yes, my step grandma...
` what is the reason behind your profile song?- the only profile i have is fs, but it doesn't have any song. only my blog has. i choose it cos it sounds SHOO DAMN FREAKIN' HAWTTT.
` who was the last person you saw in your dream?- ... can't remember...
` last time you smiled?- now.
` have you changed this year?- ... nope, i think.
` what are you listening to now? - the fan that is blowing against my ears. =.=;
` are you talking to someone while doing this?- my mum just asked me, "ni zai gai ma?".
` do you walk with your eyes open or close?- hahahs, mostly open.
` is there a quote you live by?- "all good things come to an end." -nelly furtado.
- "what goes around comes around." -justin timberlake.
- "when one door closes, the otehr opens." -daniel ong.
` do you want someone you cannot have?- yesh, really badly.
` have you ever played an instrument?- piano... and i sucked at guitar.
` what was the worst idea you've had this week?- to let go of him.
` what were you doing last night at 11pm?
- emoing and crying.
` are you happy with your love life right now?- i have no idea.
` what song best describe your love life?- chris daughtry - what about now.
- paramore - decode.
- avril lavigne - my happy ending.
` does the person know that you like him/her?
- yeah...
` who always makes you laugh?
- myself... hahah.
` do you speak other language other than english?
- cheena, japanese, korean
` fav website(s)?- friendster, youtube, blogger, moi blog, neopets. :D
` what’s your middle name?- bo leh... (and no, that's not my middle name; so don't go around calling me that. =.=;)
` what are you doing tomorrow?- holy shiat, there's school... TT
` what do you think you are?- bitch, beeyotch, biartch. :D
` who will you choose to die with?
- no one.
` where have you been today?- morning went mass, after that went for brunch at the coffeeshop opposite block 73... and saw... TT then went library, then walk walk around inter.
` what games do you play often?- AUDIIIIIIIIIII. :D and neopets.
` who are you missing right now?
- :/ who else.
` if you have to choose between love or friendship, which one would you choose?
- nothing.
` what are you doing right now?
- doing this quiz, msning harhar and ahlong, waiting for my dinner to come back. D:
` which primary school are you from?- chij tp.
` name 3 colors that you like..- black, green, pink.
` what emotion you like to show?
- depends...
` what is life to you?-
fos; full of shit. meaningless.
` if you have something troubling you, what will you do?- ALL sorts of things. :) (if you get what i mean.)
` who did you last chat with on msn today?- justi.
` who do you admire most?
- God.
` which month are you born in?- october.
` what are you feeling right now?
- err, hungry... x.x
` what is the time now?
- 7.49pm.
` what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?- 0.o you mean the last one? err, fine i guess...
` what color did you use to dye your hair?- black... but it ended up as brown again. =.=;
` why are you doing this test?- cos i have nothing better to do.
` what do you do when you're moody?- emo, cry, think of things, lotsa stuff lahs.
` at what age do you wish to get married?- 25.
` who is most important to you?
- God.
` if today is the last day of your life, what will you do?- say goodbye to everyone in my contact and hug all my family members then kill myself. o.o
` who is the person you trust the most?
- no one, not even myself. :/
` do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?- yes, cos i've seen before? 0.o
` if you have a dream come true, what would it be?- he'd jio me back. :X
` what is your goal this year?- to do well in my studies.
` do you believe in eternity love?- there's no such thing as eternity/forever on earth.
` what feeling do you love most?
- "Being loved :D" -quoted from justi.
` do you really think its global warming now?
- i don't give a damn about it.
` what feeling do you hate most?
- when people break their promises, when i'm hated without myself knowing the reason why, when i feel so close to a person, yet so far.
` do you cherish every single friendship of yours?- naah.
` do you believe in God?
- Amen.
` who cares for you the most?- God.
` what is the most important thing in your life?
- God.
` what will you bring to a fight?
- nothing... i think. :X
` what have you regretted doing in your life?- i could kill myself for letting go of him. :/
` how would you feel if everyone no longer cares for you?- that's exactly what i'm feeling now.
` what if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?- kiss our relationship goodbye and wish him happiness with the other girl. (if i really loved him) =.=;
` how do you feel now?
- full-stomached.
-12:00 PM
{ you were all the things i thought I knew
and i thought that we could be...
you were everything,
everything that i wanted.
we were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it.
all of the memories so close to me, just fade away.
all this time you were pretending,
so much for my happy ending.
it's nice to know that you were there,
thanks for actin' like you cared,
and makin' me feel like i was the only one.
it's nice to know we had it all,
thanks for watchin' as i fall,
and lettin' me know we were done. }
- avril lavigne - my happy ending
now with kopi at tpy library...
she's damn smart you know~!
=.=; went breakfast with her and her family,
and guess where?
:K and purposely! damn purposely, must sit at the back somemore!
and tadahhh!
guess who i saw. =.=;
i suppose he saw me too luhs,
since my dressing was the same as the first day he saw me.
zzz, almost cried seh. =.=;
but nvm, kopi, VERY SMART.
somemore say, "oh no lah, won't see him de!"
i ask her, "how you know!?"
she say, "cos i smart!"
lame nincoompoop.
i mean, err, clever, librarian? 0.o
=.=; dunno what to say.
btw, the vids list previously will be continued next time.
now the SMART kopi no patience one,
must accomodate her. :D
(0.o is that the right word?)
sian lahs, later still got tuition with sir yip.
TT dunno whether do hw yet.
o.o; hais.
no i'm done.
no, i'm not freakin' done you freakin' person.
okay, now i am! :D