stars that shine; Saturday, January 31, 2009
-12:14 PM

that time when i went vivo with sisters.
-11:46 AM
i don't know.
i don't know.
i don't know.
i don't know.
so here i am,
stuck in the middle again.
stars that shine; Friday, January 30, 2009
-8:23 PM
just now went lan to 'celebrate elaine's birthday'. d:
hesitated quite /abit/.
saw him.
it was like,
i walked pass him, he turn around and said,
"hey, going off already uh?"
i was kinda shocked.
then i reply, 'yeah.' and walked away. XD
i doubt he has anything to say anyway.
and then, when i out of lan,
around the carpark there,
i went like, wait a minute...
and then the moment suddenly hit me.
like just, 'DINGGG!'.
and everything seem to be clearer.
i realised that, 'HE'S NOT THAT HOT!'
i started laughing and smiled all the way back home.
it was quite an 'enlightenment' if that's what you call it.
a heavy weight seems to be lifted off my chest.
i felt light and happy.
wait, not just that,
i felt high and crazy.
like i could burst any moment.
when i was in my room,
i realised why everything seem to be a blur these days.
it's because i'm looking with the back of my mind.
like, daydreaming.
you know that kinda feeling?
where, you do see things,
but you're just not concentrating on it.
so i've been dreaming my days away for the past few days... @.@
hmm, quite pro lahs. XD
so, i'd like to thank elaine for begging me to go lan with her today! =D
thank you, thank you. (:
i guess i'm mostly over him already.
but there's still something inside that's bugging me.
i don't know what.
but if i'm not wrong,
i think i got it.
i need to answer myself that.
but i'm not too sure about my own decision yet so...
a week or two till valentine's... x.x
stars that shine; Thursday, January 29, 2009
-3:00 PM
just came back from school.
mummy and dennis at ahma house with isaac theyall.
now playing neopets. =D
on the boards, chatting with random people.
and some weird guy just asked,
"Have you seen a little girl? Short, black hair... just turned 7 last month?"
i went like,
"0.0' Err, no... Gosh, you're freakin' me out. x.x
Whassup with that?"
so freaky lahs! @.@
like, some ghost lidat sia. XD
lols, i'm gonna post on every board in fc. XD
i wanna be a fc popular again.
i miss those good ol'e times. (:
it's really not that hard to be popular on neo. =D
just have to be active,
have at least basic knowledge of html/css,
understand neopets language,
have to be literate,
let the boards you created survive,
(not by spamming of course -.-')
that's about it. (:
after years of being on neopets,
i've collected this simple list.
i'm gonna make the name of 'schizothemia' famous!
yes, i'm kida crazy right now. @.@
dunno why.
was audiing with gabriel.
omg, i can't believe he's that pro lah...
(even though he looks kinda dense realife. X: pardon me.)
lols, but i could almost beat him at handsup sia!
buden my stup damn comp lag at the last part make me lose!
so nincoompoop lahhh!
can tell he chainer also,
hmm, perf quite well,
skills also not bad.
hais, none of my audi wishes have came true yet. TT
buden i still practicing movmov and handsup.
i can finally do the second part of movmov wave le!
lols, so the only part which i still need to learn is the...
last 2 waves. @.@
the rest i'm pretty sure i can fc it. /:
my handsup still suck. :3
it's so hard sia. x.x
nvm, "practice makes perfect." - soonie.
XD lols.
now neo-ing again. X3
gonna setup cfy.
i can't stand it anymore. /:
the guilt is killin' me! o.o'
d: hahahs, yeah.
i needa get it done,
so i can recruit members. =D
after i've successfully setup cyf, i'll then setup am. (:
hope it'll do well and won't be as dead as sh. X:
i've been bailed out a few times today.
got freakin' pissed.
first, elaine asked me go lan with her yesterday.
i say okay, today i bring clothes to change.
then knn, after that at the library i ask her, you bring clothes to change or what,
she say she not going already. -.-'
second time, brittany,
i ask her go yoshi with me,
end up don't want come.
third time, i ask becs go yoshi with me already,
then she say okay at first.
after that joanne ask her go with her for lunch.
then becs say she dunno.
i waited for her to talk to joanne and nicole first.
then they started to walk away,
i got pissed,
i just went upstairs to put me and kim's art.
i didn't know where to go,
so i planned to go home.
after that saw cherie and candice on the way,
walked with them to inter.
while walking to the bus queue,
saw elaine, michelle, eliza/felicia (can't remember) and anthea.
they ask me go lunch with them.
buden they say they going mcs,
so i don't want and i came home.
damn sia.
kay, i shall go back to setting up my cfy.
stars that shine; Wednesday, January 28, 2009
-8:17 PM
science was damn emo.
kept staring at miss lim's earring. -.-'
hell man.
mr ng changed our seats.
sitting with sindhu.
i'm pretty fine with it. (:
actually i'm fine with sitting with anyone in the class now i guess.
not like i could do anything about it either. /:
i'm always mentally prepared who i'm gonna sit with.
and thought about the worst.
but it wasn't so bad after all, so yeh.
had cl in our new room specially for cl in the canteen. (:
practiced for syf.
i'm now acting as the classmate.
whoo, can go there see hot guys. XD
went home with claudia, sabrina and ruili. =D
and somehow, we became a band. :3
this is pretty random but,
okay, fine, not that random to me but prolly to you.
i don't care. -.-'
i know some people don't like me.
but i don't know why.
i know some people don't like me,
but they act like they do.
i know some people don't like me,
but i just want them to know that,
don't gimme some lanjiao excuses if i ask you for something.
just say, no, i don't wanna go with you.
and at most i'll be like, fine.
don't go don't go lo.
i won't give a damn.
what upsets me most is when you actually have to /lie/ to get me off your back.
freak hell, you don't have to entertain me like this.
i've heard the worst insults in my life,
so don't worry about me.
(not that you do, but whatever.)
don't even bother talking to me if you don't like me.
it'll only makes things worse.
get lost.
stars that shine; Tuesday, January 27, 2009
-10:32 AM
last night was rushing to finish the history project.
argh, call both of them, bo pick up. :3
i need to print it!
dammit, and i don't even know can go where to photocopy sia.
i researched the whole thing myself leh. ^^
-shows off-
lols, yeh, pretty proud of it. ><
i mean, the others /did/ do some research too.
but i also need to do some myself in order to understand it and able to paraphrase stuff.
later going ahyi house at 2 plus...
for DINNER. -.-'
i noticed my posts these days very boring seh...
don't worry, my fellow earthlings!
for cheryl shall think of something creative!
soon. (:
stars that shine; Monday, January 26, 2009
-3:17 PM
happy cheena new year everyone! =D
lols, went for the 8am cheena mass with ahyi and ahma. (:
and i thought, wouldn't it be kewl if i could sing the hymns in cheena and others can't?
so i sang loudly. =DDD
ahma very happy about that too. ^^
then after mass dabao mcs breakfast back to ahma house.
anden then went for 945am mass to meeet clelim. -.-'
lols, saw bec and fran...
and michelle choo.
after mass went ahyi house slack for awhile.
watched phineas and ferb. XD
went house visiting with ahma, ahyi and clelim.
ahgong couldn't walk well so he didn't come. D;
collected very lil angpaos. ))):
total of around $80 nia. -.-'
okays, i shall go work on the history project. x.x
or my whole group will kill me.
toods. (:
stars that shine; Sunday, January 25, 2009
(edited) -9:07 PM
the frames suck. x.x
(sharon's glasses)
used nat's phone to camwhore. (:

i've been watching my blog for days...
but didn't bother posting cause nothing much happened.
everything seems to be in a blur.
everything seems to pass so quickly.
and it's gonna be cheena new year tomorrow.
and here i am,
still emoing.
as usual.
"i was emoing bout _____ on christmas eve,
i was emoing bout ___ on new year's eve,
i wonder who i'll emo about on chinese new year's eve.
=.=;" -refer to this past post.
zzz, valentine's day confirm die one right if lidat. x.x
just in the morning went ntuc to buy milk and cleo before going enter mcs for debate meeting with sharon, natalie and kimmie.
sam didn't come cause...
idk. -.-'
then i had a few attempts on making my designed paperettes.
but when i tried to smoke one of it, it didn't work.
cause the hole in the middle was abit too big. :3
then later i used a rough paper and then anyhow fold and it worked.
after that, i kana the paperette smell.
freakin' strong lahs.
had to use sharon's perfume so many times.
and bought impact blackcurrant mints (my fav ^^) to cover the smell in my mouth.
only managed to get it away after awhile...
stayed with nat till 3 plus.
then had to go ahma house for reunion dinner.
wasn't exactly full family reunion,
but, still.
after that went mass with ahyi and clelim.
ahyi actually bought the WHOLE catholic welfare booklet thingy.
so kind. (:
and mummy managed to find our stuff just now!
yesterday went shopping att orchard.
bought some stuff from marks and spencer.
she was careless enough to leave those stuff at dunno where.
quite pro, at least still can manage to get back my tablecloth (shirt XD) and 2 spags.
abit abit emo today cause,
yeah, it's enter mcs for goodness sake. -.-'
i miss my phone.
God bless you.