stars that shine; Friday, January 23, 2009
-8:15 PM
now aq-ing.
and was talking to alex on msn...
zzz, don't ask me who the hell that is.
cause i have no idea either. -.-'
some guy who just randomly added me... /:
tamade, morning,
i freakin' dropped my phone in the toilet bowl! -.-'
serious sia.
and now it's dead!
thank goodness i miraculously found my warranty card. =D
God bless me! ^^
the cheena new ear celebrations was...
err, pretty, meaningless? 0.o
cause i didn't really get to enjoy the concert. );
was busy at the backstage the whole time.
blue house won. TT
and green house only got third place.
for God's sake, are the judges freakin' blind!? -.-'
green house's skit is so much more funnier than blue and red house one lah!
dammit sia. :3
after that, had sister outing. =D
it was pretty fun!
first met ice and kaix at tp mrt station with nikki.
then met jiajia and her boyfriend...
what's his name again?
oh, eugene. (:
that's right.
yeah, then went vivo.
ate at kopitiam.
me and nikki shared 'mango sunrise'.
quite, err, not very nice though. /:
then i started to scoop all the leftover ice and corn etc into an empty angbao until it was overflowing. XD
then got 2 guys walked pass me and laughed.
ice after that also started to mix all her jap food...
and then jiajia joined...
and then me and nikki...
and then kaix and eugene.
it's damn sick lahs! XD
but it was fun. (:
after that went to nat geo,
then to the rooftop.
play water with nikki until kana my skinnies.
we figured all sorts of ways to dry it.
@.@ lols.
then ice and kaix laughing at us. XD
going out with sisters is fun. (:
i'd like to have more sister outings next time.
thanks for giving me such great times, sisters! =D
-4:45 AM
long time no blog. @.@
lazy mah. d:
yesterday was pretty tiring.
right after school got cny rehersal.
quite fun.
i think green house will win!
go green house! (:
it's damn funny lah,
there skit.
especially with meldee acting as grox the ox. XD
and she moo is freakin' funny sia.
just now, i set my alarm at 230.
i only realised i offed my alarm at 330. -.-'
couldn't use comp then cause daddy was awake.
waited till 4.
now play comp. =D
later after celebration going sister outing,
yayyy... @.@
i think most of the sisters are coming bah...
/: hopefully.b
yesterday morning emo like hell.
cause i dreamt of him.
we were having a perfect quiet lunch together.
how blissful would it be if it was real.
that's about it le bah. (:
stars that shine; Tuesday, January 20, 2009
descriptive essay: my favourite teacher. (new, with picture! =D) -4:37 PM

I would proudly like to say that, Mr. Jason Ng is my favourite teacher!
Yes, some of you may have already noticed my behaviour about it during class. So fellow friends, do not be surprised! So, here, I shall continue my descriptive essay, all about him.
He has got a cute hairstyle of jet black hair that bounces every single time he makes a movement. Abit puffy, yet cute. Always turning up at school with a neat hairstyle, it is always admired by his fellow students--including me, that is. With a pair of mesmerizing eyes, it is one of those which is the biggest I've ever seen in my life. Whenever he is angry or shocked, it becomes bigger! But often when he is smiling, it attractive force grabs my attention to it. With a sexy voice, just like Jesse McCartney's, it is something I could possibly die for!
Lips, so thick and sexy. Yet soft and tender. I long to touch those beautiful lips, which looks as sexy as Angelina Jolie's. He may wear a pair of the most 'in' spectacles, but that only makes his eyesight even better than it already is! Killer humour, he has, it is something most girls ask for in their perfect guy.
With a symmetrical super model face attached with a sexy moustache and a clean neck, it is no wonder he sends girls goggling at his feet. He may just be the next Brad Pitt! And of course, as a teacher; he is very efficient. He has a tiny pencilcase that fits well in his pocket. Which also includes the orange comb (same brand as my comb too), a packet of tissue and a small black pouch containing his handphone. Kind, humble, caring and understanding, are a few words to describe his almost-perfect character.
His smile, oh so charming. With snow white teeth, a bright smile that can blind you within a second (like those in adverts). Accessorized with probably the most expensive and coolest watch in the world, it is no wonder he is also as smart as a brain. Not only with brains, he also has muscles. Hidden behind he's latest outfits, is well-built body with a 6 pack! Such a hunk, ain't he?
Last but not least, I would like to end this essay with a bottom line.
written by Cheryl Poh, 2/7.
underlined words by cherie.
stars that shine; Monday, January 19, 2009
-4:18 PM
boo! (:
now baobei at my house.
mummy haven't come back yet then we slack slack slack. @.@
still got 3!
3 projects to do sia... ;_;
lols, she's happily eating my tapioca chips... :3
and she wants coke...
go buy yourself lah!
-.-' that's what i told my mum too. X:
i don't care. d:
fine, i care!
laterlater. (:
"mummy, i want milo now. ): go make for me. please. ):"
lols, i really wish i could.
but, the problem is,
i don't know how!
brb, milo in process:)
but too bad,
my house bo cold water/ice. =D
so can't make. ^^
gg, no need so mafan. d:
sian, dunno what to blog.
okays, baobei reminded me blog bout our number, 7! =DDD
hahahs, it's an acquainted number of ours. (:
now playing neopets.
chatting with akito on neoboards. [=
very long never talk to sohma house members already... );
miss them alot.
especially yuki. D:
i realised i've never seen ayame...
(even though he's my son XD)
but, whatev.
i'll see him online sooner or later. (:
i going aq soon...
after blogging.
and apparently, i've still got projects i haven't finished... x.x
zzz, we will be so screwed for dnt tomorrow. TT
-.-' okays, whatev.
to hell with it. /:
kies, i've got nothing to blog about. d:
so, tahhh.
quote of the day:
"Bee Hoon --- keeps gettin' tastier! =D"
-by Cheryl Poh (edited by Diyanah.)
-4:17 AM
good morning, it's 417am. (:
hmm, still abit blurblur sia. @.@
yesterday emoing while smsing and talking on the phone.
the thought of /it/ just makes me sick with envy and disgust.
damn, i'm freakin' cold...
this few weeks i realise something,
when i have a conversation,
i find myself shutting up and let the other party talk.
but there's so many things inside me that i don't have to chance to let it out.
i'll be there quietly listening,
sometimes i won't even be listening,
prolly daydreaming or something.
i haven't been concenrating in class.
no, screw that.
i mean, i /can't/ concentrate in class.
at first i can listen attentively,
buden after that it be too boring until i'll fall asleep. -.-'
that's when i realise i need tuition.
sir yip haven't been coming these few times...
my maths is deproving,
but i still try to figure out whatever mr ng taught, at home.
hmm, wonder why i suddenly so guai.
hais, i go audi le bah.