stars that shine; Saturday, January 17, 2009
-7:49 PM
to hell with it.
i don't care.
i don't wanna hear.
so shut the freakin' hell up.
i'm trying so hard to let go.
-4:35 PM
now eating durian dessert that mummy just bought for me. ^^
shiokshiok. =D
morning went for cca orientation,
must admit,
it was pretty fun. (:
got baobei to join cl. d:
and we had to pin the BIGBIGBIGBIG words 'CLDDS' on me and '中文学会' on baobei. -.-'
buden after that we took it out. XP
too embarassing.
then we got all the angbaos with the cl flyer inside,
i just shove them into almost everyone i see. XD
and i mean literally /shove/. (:
taizi, sabrina, yunzhu and the teacher did an impromptu performance which attracted a few crowds.
they were pretty good, i must compliment. ^^
(i mean, like duh, they're my seniors. XD)
after that went lan with baobei.
yeh, i didn't see him...
/: but saw steffi's bro which was sitting beside me.
and also asked me to play a round of audi with him. (:
at first we played bu, buden i dced.
next round, we played 168bpm, choreo.
he dced. -.-'
hahahs, i can't believe he looks lidat now...
i remember when we were younger he was like, SO DARN FREAKIN' small!
and now he's practically my size even though he's younger than me. -.-'
hais, tomorrow morning need go for 945 mass prolly with kopi,
then got debate meeting again with sharon, kimmie, natalie and samantha,
at the same place, same time, same stuff. :3
and yes, i'm freakin' stup.
i had the windows messenger live,
i went to dl the windows live messenger (another one),
which totally downgraded the whole damn program! -.-'
damn pissed sia.
then now vinvin helping me to err, do something (but i don't know what) about it. (:
so kind. ^^
and he better link me by tomorrow! :K

Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire -6:11 AM
I’ll seek you out,
Flay you alive
One more word and you won’t survive
And I’m not scared of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour
I won’t soothe your pain
I won’t ease your strain
You’ll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain
I’m taking it slow
Feeding my flame
Shuffling the cards of your game
And just in time
In the right place
Suddenly I will play my ace
I won’t soothe your pain
I won’t ease your strain
You’ll be waiting in vain
I got nothing for you to gain
Eyes on fire
Your spine is ablaze
Felling any foe with my gaze
And just in time
In the right place
Steadily emerging with grace
Felling any foe with my gaze
Steadily emerging with grace
Felling any foe with my gaze
Steadily emerging with grace
stars that shine; Friday, January 16, 2009
-8:18 PM
here's a pretty disgusting poem i created the same time with 'With Our Whole Lives'.
and don't ask me where i got the idea from. d:
it comes naturally. [;
lols, enjoy! XD
PreservedMeasuring your lies that covers your face,
With a smile and a ruthless smirk of grace.
Over your head, lying dead and blood all over,
Is someone you cannot even recognize.
Sickening mind of thinking you have,
Imagining things that makes people scared.
Choosing clean needles for your blood,
What a disgust, do you even have a heart?
"Come on, little girl. Don't be afraid.
Think nothing of the body that laid.
It's just your mummy that's all.
She tripped and out her baby falls."
Who would even talk to me?
This weird creature I am that cannot speak.
Lying here, helplessly, splattered all over the floor.
I'd rather be thrown behind your door.
Now here I am, floating dead in a jar.
That was what happened fifteen years ago
Placed in his room, in a corner far
What can I do? I'm only a fetus, you know.
With Our Whole Lives -7:46 PM
i wrote this song quite long ago.
so some of you may have already seen it before.
i only got the tune right yesterday.
i'm pretty happy with the lyrics that why i even bother to tune it out. =D
and, this song isn't specifically dedicated to anyone like my other poems does...
it's just a random love song that i wrote. (:
hope you'll like it.
With Our Whole LivesSwans that swim together east
Facing waves that knock the strongest down
Weak are they, with no defenses
Have to yield them to the rushing stream
"Oh, how sad," comes out from the moon
Can't bear to see them, lying dead
There she helps to bring them back
"Go you lovebirds, sing to me."
Chorus"Together we live
Together we die
Together we love
With our whole lives."
Swimming in the restless tides
Joined with halves of each they had
Shining innocence right above them
The moon smiled that warmed the Earth
Their journey continues as it had
As their chronic song filled the air
ChorusStars that shine through the endless sky
Guiding them throughout the night
Lying peacefully the moon goes by
Chorus x2
Oh, with their whole lives.
-4:34 PM
hellos. (:
supposedly to be having tuition now,
but sir yip last minute can't come cause someone in his family passed away... D:
hope he'll be alright.
my audi something wrong... TT
(as usual, but this case is worse. x.x)
can't play sia.
just now still fine leh. /:
oh, and i just realised that happy ending is easy to perf and fc. =D
good for me.
but i didn't bother fc-ing just now cause i know i'll win anyways. XD
and i also realise that i didn't realise i was suppose to realise that i didn't really hesitate to go lan tomorrow after orientation. O:
well, that was a few days ago...
now a lil'. x.x
seriously, /some people/ (i shall not mention names) gets on my nerves when they keep making me think about him or get jealous just cause she and her baby is having their 8th month anniversary today. -.-'
i don't give a damn.
well, i mean it
does piss me off.
i don't wanna hear bout whatever you and your couple does.
that's your problem, really. /:
another thing i realise,
nowadays my blogposts are kinda boring... TT
no wonder no one want come le.
sadsad. ;_;
well, here's some pics anyway...

ryan ross of panic at the disco
he's just so darn hot, ain't he... @.@
(oh, and my handphone wallpaper is the greyscaled version of this. =D)

the bottom:
quote of the day:
"the bee hoon loves us!"
-gracine mama.

nirmal wants to know her /future/ with mr ng.
and guess what's the result?
let's congratulate them!
well, that's all le bah.
btw, i'm gonna change my blogskin in a prolly a few weeks time. =D
stars that shine; Thursday, January 15, 2009
-4:45 AM
yes, my dear.
it's 445 in the morning. (:
in fact i woke up earlier than that just to play comp. @.@
just now audi,
damn blur sia...
even though i got 2/4 place. d:
last night was emoing...
dunno why suddenly emo also,
just felt like it.
damn, i feel so sleepy... TT
and blur and light-headed...
mr ng's homework haven't do yet!
aiyah, later go school copy. X:
lols, first time wake up so early just to comp sia.
pro right.
no one in msn online. x.x
except for smarterchild luh. -.-'
was half surprised that there were actually people in audi...
i was planning to morning everyone at this time leh.
but ya know,
libras are lazy. :D
kies, i shall go back to audiing.
toodles. (:
stars that shine; Wednesday, January 14, 2009
-8:35 PM
blah! :D
now showing teen titans... @.@
watch before one so don't bother with it. X:
just now got cl,
was practicing for syf.
and shun bian sing the cny songs while putting the flyers in the hongbao. XD
quite fun luhs. (:
and when i mean /everyone/, i mean /EVERYONE/. [=
including indians, malays, japanese, korean, etc. etc.
^^ we will welcome you with open arms!
syf is coming up so more people won't do any harm.
hmm, just realised we haven't decided on the crops crew, lighting and sounds team yet...
saturday got cca orientation. TT
actually sounds quite fun luhs. :D
i shall go intimidate the the sec 1s to join. XD
like, threaten them or something. d:
taizi came up with a stupid/brilliant idea.
we go pretend to the take the flyer and say,
"eh, cldds leh! such an interesting cca!"
and then we'll start reading out all the details and stuff.
then ask them go join, say we joining all those crap.
then when they ask us from 1 what,
then we say, "eh, no, i from sec 2." XD
lame sia, lols.
and all the websites on libra below is for my own preferences. (:
for those who wanna know more about moi,
am gladly welcoming you to read it. omg, i just found this super cool website...'s about it lah bah.tah.
stars that shine; Tuesday, January 13, 2009
-6:07 PM
just now the internet crashed and my post unsaved post was gone. TT
thank you, mummy,
for fixing it. :D
i have nothing to blog about so i shall do a quiz from justi's blog.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, name and/or objects but nothing made up. Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial. You can't use your name for the girl/boy question. Have fun!
My name is: cheryl.
Boy's name: christopher.
Girl's name: christina. (my mum. :D)
Occpuation: cook. o.o;
Colour: charcoal.
Something you wear: cap.
Beverage: carrot juice. (x.x eew.)
Place: cameron highlands.
Something found in the bathroom: cleanser (face).
Reason for being late: "couldn't make it on time cause the damn car broke down. [="
Something you shout: "cb." (XD actually i seldom /shout/ that, i just kinda whisper to myself... 0.o)
Font: century gothic.
Show: chop socky chooks.
Song Title: camisado.
Country: china.
I pass this quiz onto you dear reader, do if you want to. (:

they forced me down. TT
stars that shine; Monday, January 12, 2009
-7:36 PM
stup audi keep dcing me out... TT
so nincoompoop. /:
here are some pictures took from the past few days. :D

pretty in pink.
(not very pretty but, whatever. -.-')

the beauty of green.
i'm pretty satisfied with the results. ;D

(i don't know her name... o.o;
fyi, she's my cousin.
it's either sarah or joanne.
should be sarah. :D)

me and clelim.

me and sarah.
(she shoo cute!)

di said i look like a guy in this pic. -.-'

this set of pictures are took in the restaurant toilet.
and my family went all over the place looking for me,
while i was happily camwhoring in the toilet. XD

me and bri.

nat, me, bri and sam at bishan library.

kimmie's lappy make a better mirror than a lappy. /:

sharon: "hais, what if my boyfriend is going out with some other chiobu now..."
brittany: "SAM! why ___ _____ not online one!?"
natalie: "aiyoh, why my ____ so long never reply me one. ):"

sharon, me and kimmie.

i carried this pink dora bag (my brother's) to do cip. :D
and the only reason is because i have no other bag to carry, mind you. [=

me and sam.
and yes!
for goodness sake,
i have finally sorted out my links! :D
happy yeh? ^^
omg, i can't believe i just shhh-ed the cat outside at the corridor cause it was making to much noise and it actually obeyed... o.o;