yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo. =D
i sneaked up to play comp. X:
my mother's problem uh. -.-'
tomorrow latelate then wake up. =D
i bet now bi is sleeping happily with some chiobus lah...
D; so sad, he can only reply my message by tomorrow.
imy bi! ):
today, is friday, 13th. (:
an unlucky day for everyone, including moi that is. ;_;
in the morning,
my dear titi, VERY THE SMART.
went to
my heart damn pain neh. TT
she broke my heart on valentine's day. :3
shoo mean lah, her.
than after that i realise i forgot to wear my badge to assembly.
right after that, i went back to class to find it,
i couldn't find it anyway around my table. -.-'
then bo pian, rushed back to dnt room.
tmd, kumpua hot sia. /:
got kinda pissed at everything.
especially my 10 bucks.
'cause it's to buy present for my bi one. :3
OMG, are you freakin' kiddin' me?!
-.-' there's going to be another 2 friday, 13th in this year!? ;_;
screwed up man...
the next one is in march.
then in november. /:
nincompoop sia.
back to my story. (:
then after that after dnt, went back to class.
i found my damn badge on sharon's table. =.=lll
wtf luh.
i asked nicole to pick lock.
another damn smart one.
tore my other 10 bucks... ;_;
so many holes. /:
buden thank God, it's not as bad as the other one. O;
during recess, found out baobei had the keys! -.-'
had mixed feelings.
guess you can understand why.
then got money le. (:
happyhappy. ^^
after school went j8 with the brand new,
hey, there.
i'm pad.
sanitary pad.
points about me:
- self-absorbent.
- 45cm.
- no wings.
- for super heavy flow.
- feels like i'm not there! =D
XD hahahs.
the other members are,
mimi; BRA.
cherie; G-STRING.
becs; BIKINI.
dawn; THONG.
(dawny pineapple, i don't care.
you diedie also must join inside! :K
or else i don't give you the free iPoh that i owed the whole family since last year. XD)
on 59, to j8,
sat with bra. XD
anden mimi asked me to ask those people i know in st gabs about _________.
i smsed ryan, lester and gabriel.
then ryan reply say 'ya y?'
i go reply him 'YOUR PROBLEM UH.'
then me, bra and thong were laughing like mad luh.
cause it's like,
i'm the one who asked him.
anden he politely asked out of curiousity why.
then i so boliao go scold him. XDDD
he reply 'wdf is your fcking problem?'
i say 'you're the fcking problem. -.-''
d: smart right.
damn after that it's damn...
err, stup until idk how to say. (:
bought a ________ and 2 _____________ for siryeo! ^^
cherie made a big fuss about it. XD
cause i spent 3 to 4 hours just to buy those. d:
sorry luh. -.-'
just now, i smsed shawn. OOO:
yes, i finally mustered up all the courage to talk cock with him. ._.
he's not very enthu bout it though. :3
to hell with him. X:
i only love my baby now. (:

me, cherie and mimi at the toilet outside dnt room. (:

wo de xin hen tong leh. x.x

titi would look so much cuter without my torn money. -.-'

di and me in the toilet. =D