hellos. (:
supposedly to be having tuition now,
but sir yip last minute can't come cause someone in his family passed away... D:
hope he'll be alright.
my audi something wrong... TT
(as usual, but this case is worse. x.x)
can't play sia.
just now still fine leh. /:
oh, and i just realised that happy ending is easy to perf and fc. =D
good for me.
but i didn't bother fc-ing just now cause i know i'll win anyways. XD
and i also realise that i didn't realise i was suppose to realise that i didn't really hesitate to go lan tomorrow after orientation. O:
well, that was a few days ago...
now a lil'. x.x
seriously, /some people/ (i shall not mention names) gets on my nerves when they keep making me think about him or get jealous just cause she and her baby is having their 8th month anniversary today. -.-'
i don't give a damn.
well, i mean it
does piss me off.
i don't wanna hear bout whatever you and your couple does.
that's your problem, really. /:
another thing i realise,
nowadays my blogposts are kinda boring... TT
no wonder no one want come le.
sadsad. ;_;
well, here's some pics anyway...

ryan ross of panic at the disco
he's just so darn hot, ain't he... @.@
(oh, and my handphone wallpaper is the greyscaled version of this. =D)

the bottom:
quote of the day:
"the bee hoon loves us!"
-gracine mama.

nirmal wants to know her /future/ with mr ng.
and guess what's the result?
let's congratulate them!
well, that's all le bah.
btw, i'm gonna change my blogskin in a prolly a few weeks time. =D